A COVID Christmas

Duck Pond and Arboretum at Smyrna, Georgia

So last night, I wrote this poem in the spirit of our Christmas this season. To all the soldiers fighting COVID this holiday, you’re not alone. I dedicate this poem “A COVID Christmas” to my family and to all of you having a different Christmas this year.

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house

Almost all had COVID, not sure about mouse

The stockings sat boxed by the tree over there,

In hopes that the family would surely be spared.

The lights were half hung and the cleaning half done.

Clear evidence of the battle that COVID had won.

Big sis knew best and would rise to the cause

Away from our home and beyond COVID claws.   

Baby tested positive and was snug in her bed;

While I, tested same, coughed with pain in my head;

Super Dad with immune powers avoided mishap

Retreated downstairs for the night while we napped.

Sounds of occasional coughing was heard.

The hum of blocked vents seemed so strangely absurd.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.

Grabbed Kleenex to cough and wipe phlegm like a flash.

I had to slow down or might faint by the dash.

‘No snow to reflect the full moon of the night.

Just COVID which swallowed all hope in my sight.

When what to my wondering eyes did appear,

But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer,

With a little old driver so lively and quick,

I knew in a moment he was going to get sick.

“No Santa No” I yelled the closer they came.

“We got COVID St. Nick, it is just not the same”

I yelled a long list of social distancing rules.

I yelled “Where’s your mask you sweet bearded fool?

We gotta be safe, could you come back again?

I was not aware you made sick calls past ten.”

And to my surprise, he said “Just be cool

I know what you have because I ain’t no fool.”

He whipped out his mask that needed a caption

‘cause his was a super fantastic contraption.

He came to the door, why waste time on the soot.

No fancy entrance just sauntered on foot.

My heart was warmed as he slowly approached.

My personal space he refused to encroach.

I reset my gaze on my much wanted guest.

I had to stay upright yet give myself rest.

“Hello there my dear, how are you and the fam?

I brought you some things that will help you to heal.”

I know this is odd and not per normal plan.

I cleared my throat and was glad for the deal.

His sack was not big and seemed more like a satchel.

No toys or treats but some things more substantial

He magically whipped out a crockpot of soup

Some Vitamin C and some tissues to boot.

Cherry cough drops to open us up from nose to chest.

All the right things to get us feeling our best.

And just as we stood we were surrounded by light.

My chest opened up, my outlook more bright.

“May you feel much better come Christmas sunrise.

May the family be well and have a great Christmas time.”

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,

And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.

But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight –

“Wear the dam mask to rid COVID outright.

Get vaxed crazy folks and have greater compassion.

Merry Christmas to all, be light and love in action.”

– The End –

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